We have had a whirlwind of events these last 3 weeks! The Lord has proven Himself, as always, tremendously faithful.
Week 1:
Scott started having some pretty severe backpain on Tuesday morning. It didn't subside while he was at work, so he went over to an urgent care clinic to get checked out. Result: Kidney Stones. He has never had kidney stones before so this was new pain to him. (I'll tell you the story about how foul and mean he was later:) They give him some pain meds and told him to try and wait for it to pass. He took medicine that night and got some relief late, and was really groggy the next day but felt better. He thought he may have passed it, and was planning on working the next day. We went to bed early, only for him to be awakened by more intense pain than ever followed by vomiting from the pain, followed by me calling my parents to come at 2 a.m., so I could take him to the ER. He got more meds and we saw a urologist that day that recommended surgery because the stone was probably jagged because it had broken off a stone that was still residing in his kidney. Friday, he had surgery, it went well, but Scott had his fair share of post-op pain. He started feeling better, went to work Monday and was doing better. Oh, if the story could just end here...
Week 2:
Monday night Davis wakes up in the night and throws up ALL night! Anyone who knows me, knows that I LOATHE the stomach bug!!!! Tuesday was ok, he was just really tired and whiny, and the girls went to school. I was super tired that night, so was looking forward to a solid night's sleep, only to be woken up by Scott around 4ish to tell me my dad had a heart attack and was in the hospital in Mississippi. I rushed over there to find out that when they took him back to do a heart cath, he had a major heart attack on the table and coded. They shocked him, got him back, placed a stent in that vessel and he was in the ICU for a few days. I went back and forth that week and he was finally able to come home Saturday agternoon. Davis had been feeling better, but for whatever reason, had a nasty nasty diaper Saturday morning. It was my nephew's birthday party that day, so I decided I would just leave him home with Scott and just take the girls to the party in Mississippi. We get all the way to Mississippi and Paige throws up in the van! Perfect! We turn around get back home and clean everyone up, and put the kids to bed. Scott then has diarrhea all night, and Annalee wakes up having diarrhea! We all stay home Saturday, hoping that maybe this is the end of the stomach bug line...if only!
Week 3:
Davis wakes up in the middle of the night again on Sunday throwing up again! Also, Scott, is STILL having diarrhea! We all stay home again on Monday and everyone is FINALLY feeling back to normal. I took the girls to school on Tuesday and went to the gym and worked out. My sitter came to keep Davis while I went to my dad's cardiologist appt. with my mom and dad. During the appt., I get a call telling me that Annalee is throwing up at school and that I need to come get her! Which brings us to today. Annalee seems to be feeling better s well as Davis. Paige went to school and Scott is at work. The funny thing is that as I am typing this, I just got a text from Scott saying he feels like he might be passing a kidney stone! What?!!
We have appreciated all of your prayers and are still in great need. My dad has another heart cath scheduled for 9/14 to place 2 more stents. Pray that we can survive all this sickiness, and that Scott wouldn't have any more trouble with these kidney stones. Pray for my sanity! I have had to claim the verse and am thankful that God's mercies are made new every morning. I'm thankful that God has spared me thus far from being sick as well, and I am fully aware that it could all be much worse. I know that God already knows exactly what's going on and none of it was by accident. The mere fact that my dad is still alive is a true MIRACLE. The circumstances had to be perfect. Had he had that heart attack even in the ER as compared to in the cath lab, he probably wouldn't have made it! Scott's been a trouper too, and I am thankful for him. He has been a wonderful daddy, so that the kids weren't too disrupted while I was back and forth. We have walked more closely with Him these last few weeks especially, and for that I am VERY thankful!