I wasn't sure if I'd do another marathon or not, but lo and behold, I find myself in the throws of training for yet another one. Scott thinks that something must be wrong with me because no one in their right mind would want to do that to themselves AGAIN! I am a little crazy, but I need structure and goals to get things done. I ran the first one, because it was one of my life goals and I figured I should go ahead and do it while I'm young. I'm not entirely sure why I want to run this one. I guess growing up, I was always involved in some sort of organized sports whether it was softball, tennis, or volleyball. Then, in college, I played intramurals, but that doesn't keep anybody in shape, so I started running. I actually liked it after I had built up some endurance! I started running in a few road races here and there and that was about the extent of it. Then, I got married and now have not one, not two, but three children!!! I love them from the bottom of my heart, but they sure have left some lasting reminders of them on my body!! So...that's where the next marathon comes in. I have a running schedule weekly with long runs on Saturdays. Running is such a stress reliever for me as well. This is a committment, so it's planned into my day and is non-negotiable, because if I don't run, I can't finish. This serves as a great way to get and stay in shape, which is something I gladly welcome into my life! I also found a friend (thanks Rachel!) who agreed to train and run with me, which is such a blessing, because I had to run the first one by myself, and it was no fun. Especially when you hit those hard points in the race where you question your sanity about the reason you ever thought you could run and finish a marathon! So, here I go again! Please pray that I would be healthy and finish strong. Also, pray that I would really take care of myself as I train because I'm still nursing Davis and I want to make sure that I'm getting enough calories and staying hydrated so he can do well, especially with his latest weigh-in.