Thursday, March 15, 2007


not sure how to turn the picture!
I love watching my girls play together. I like to see how Paige can make Annalee belly laugh like no one else can. It makes me so thankful that God allowed us to have them and that they have each other. What a sweet God to give us sisters! Siblings in general I guess, but there's something so precious about sisters that is personal, obviously because I only have sisters! Paige and Annalee are only 22 mos. apart, so they are inevitably close by age. But, I can see already how Paige mothers her sister and loves on her and even protects her. I pray that they have this bond forever and that the Lord one day draws them to Himself so they can share an even more intimate part of themselves with one another. I know that my sisters are such a blessing to me and there's a connection that is matchless to anything else. I love that they will grow up together and be silly, and laugh, and cry, and mature and struggle even. I look forward to watching the Lord walk them through life and really can't believe He's chosen me to parent such beautiful beings! What a huge responsibility. Good thing I rely on Him and not myself or else we could have one big mess on our hands! The Lord has truly blessed us.

1 comment:

nick, robyn and taylor said...

Yay, Annalee! We're so excited you're walking! We knew you could do it.