I have been humming this chorus all day, so I thought it fitting to blog about it;)
"Give me Jesus!
Give me Jesus!
You can have all of this world,
But give me Jesus."
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Tis the season!
So, here's a confession for ya! I have worn Christmas pj's for the last three nights;) Yep, I love Christmas time!!! Also, I get new Christmas pj's every year, and if I don't sart wearing them now, then I won't get to sift thru the memories well;)
Sunday, November 28, 2010
We have been to church, and had community group lunch. We have changed all the kids out of their Sunday clothes and put them down for naps. And now...we rest! Have a great Sabbath everyone!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Making the most...
We are trying to make the most of our time off together. We went to see the movie Tangled last night and it was really cute:) We went downtown this morning and Scott took some pictures of some friends and after that we went to Chikfila and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves! We met up with a few sets of different friends, so that's always a treat. This afternoon is the Florida vs. Florida St. game so Scott will be in the zone for a while. However, when that is over, we are going to get a Christmas tree!! Yay!!! I heart this season!! It's so exciting:) I hope everyone is enjoyin their weekend!
Friday, November 26, 2010
So glad...
I am so incredibly glad that today is only Friday, that I can hardly stand it! That means we still have another day off tomorrow. That my friends...is exciting;)
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Turkey Day!
It's Turkey Day!!! I ran my long run today so that I might feel a little better about myself, as I indulge in the deliciousness of Thanksgiving:) We had a great day at my sister Dana's. All of my family was there except for my middle sister who was with her husband at the hunting camp:( We missed her dearly. I am very thankful for the many blessings the Lord has given us, and pray that I would pay attention and take note to thank the Lord more often than I do! Happy Thanksgiving everybody!!!!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Days Off
Today I am thankful for days off from school. I love when my kids and my husbamd have time off! It's so fun to me! Today we did some grocery shopping, had lunch, relaxed, made homemade pumpkin pie (from a real pumpkin;), and homemade chex mix. I love this time of year! It's not like we are doing anything super extravagant, it's just the thought of knowing that we don't HAVE to do anything if we don't want to! We can stay in our p.j.'s all day if we choose! And maybe we will;)
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
I am also very thankful for my extended immediate family. Not sure if that's the way I should describe them:) Anyhow, you get the picture, i.e. My sisters and their families and my mom and dad. It's always such a special and sweet time to spend with them. Especially, around the holidays! Thanksgiving never disappoints. Well...except for the year there was no shoepeg corn casserole;) Christmas with all the family together is always full of great memories as well! We have certain Davis traditions, and that built into my life has led me to cherish traditions of my own with our family. The Lord has eternally blessed me and allowed me to part of and have my own precious family. For that, I am very thankful!
Monday, November 22, 2010
I am scheduled to work today from 3p-11p. So, today I am choosing to be thankful for my job at the hospital. I am able to make my own schedule, work some really short shifts, and the job itself is great. The people I work with are kind and very good at what they do. So, even though, alot of times the last thing I want to do at the end of my day is get dressed and go take care of more people...I am thankful that the Lord has provided this type of job. It has been a blessing and it allows me to be home with my kids and make the extra money we need as weell.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
2 out of 3...
These two little munchkins had to make a trip to the doctor today. Annalee has an ear infection and Davis has been coughing alot and it was sounding like it was settling into his chest. So...a double co-pay and two antibiotics later, we are on track to make our way back to health, just in time for the holidays;) In light of that, I am thankful for the health of my husband and children. And myself;) The Lord has been gracious and merciful, and has protected us from things that we don't have any idea we were even protected from! I am thankful that he gives me a mother's intuition, whether it's in the middle of the night, and I just "happen" to wake up moments before a child cries out, or even thru the discernment of when to take them to the doctor
. I believe He is the one who does that in me:)
Saturday, November 20, 2010
I am thankful for Saturdays! It's not always restful or relaxing. Sometimes it might even be busier than the week. However, just the mere fact that I don't have to wake up to my alarm clock, makes me breathe a little easier! Even if I happen to wake up at around the same time, it is different because the cursed alarm did not wake me out of my peaceful slumber;) For that, I am thankful!
Friday, November 19, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Today I am thankful for God's word. I love how it is truly living and active. I love how the Lord speaks so utterly clearly through it. I enjoy how refreshing it is and how applicable it is for each area of my life. I love the Father and am so thankful that the Lord cared enough to rescue me and call me His own daughter!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Love her too;)
This is my Paigey Pie:) She is so tender. She has a heart for others. She is kind and thankful (most of the time)! Her smile lights up a room. The Lord has given her a new heart and she believes and loves Him with her whole heart! She is fun and caring and very motherly. She could probably babysit now, but seeing how she is only 6, I figure that might be frowned upon;) She is a good and faithful friend. She loves well, even those who are not so loveable at times. She's a dreamer. She wears her heart on her sleeve. She can be a little dramatic, but has grown in that arena over the last couple of years! She is beautiful. She is my first born. I love her. I am thankful for her:)
Monday, November 15, 2010
Love him.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Love her:)
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Happy Birthday!!!
Happy birthday to my precious hubby!!! He is officially 33 today. He is the absolute best and I don't deserve a man that is so good to me. I am truly blessed that the Lord has given him to us!!!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Veteran's Day
I am thankful to all of the men and women who serve and protect our country. I am also immensely thankful for their families as well, who sacrifice time with their loved ones for our freedom. I don't think I could handle it! I take my freedom and this country for granted on a regular basis. I'm thankful for days that are set apart to remind me of how blessed we are! Happy Veteran's Day!!!!
I'm still trying to feel better. It seems like the daytime is manageable and then from late afternoon to evening, my symptoms seem to increase:( Hopefully my sinuses will give me a break and I'll feel lots better soon!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Sick Wife
So Annie is not feeling very well so I am trying to make her feel better as best as possible. So please pray for her over the next few days. Thanks Scott
So blog people, my wife worked last night so she didn't blog. I am so grateful for all that she does at home for us,but to also go and help us as a nurse makes her the most amazing woman I have ever known.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Reunion time!
Yesterday after the race, we rolled on over to Mississippi for my family reunion. Sadly, we had to do it without Scott, since he had a wedding to photograph:( It was good times though. They had a jumpy house set up, so that is literally what my kids did the entire time, minus the small break I made them take to eat some lunch! I saw and talked to family that I hadn't seen in years. The food was yummy and the desserts outnumbered the food dishes in true Scarborough style;)
Race day!
The race was fabulous! Pics to come soon:) It started out a little on the cold side, but actually ended up being perfect running weather! Four of us ran together, and it was Katie's first race. She did really great!! She had never run that far before and she hung in there and made it! That's always so inspiring to me:) We were obviously not gonna win the thing, so it was a nice relaxed race. Scott came and brought the kids and met us along the race course a couple of times:) It was really cute to see my little kiddos cheering for me! Needless to say, I am super excited that race season is officially back in session!!!!
Friday, November 5, 2010
Date Night
Tonight is date night! Well, home date night, but still. I called a boatload of people to try and get a sitter and it was just not happening tonight! Also, I am running in the Senior Bowl 10k in the morning with some friends!! I am so excited! The last official race I ran in, was the marathon in February! Races as a whole are just so fun! So wish me luck!!!!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Sad times
A friend of mine miscarried last night. Aside from prayer and meals and just loving on her, there's not much I can do. My heart really goes out to them. In an instant I can remember exactly how I felt through the times that I lost babies. It is heartbreaking. In a matter of weeks I had found myself completely in love with a precious baby that God had given me. Even when those times were completely unexpected! I was convinced that God knew what He was doing, so I let my heart dive in deep and love and plan and dream up a whole lifetime with this precious one. That hope and excitement came to a screeching halt, when at a scheduled check-up there was a deafening silence, as the doctor and ultrasound tech searched for a heartbeat that the Lord had caused to stop beating. Tears overwehlmed us and we clung to the One that we hope in. As we have walked through this a few times, it doesn't get easier. It hurts deeper. Even if it was my 10th pregnancy, I think it would feel just as deep. I wholeheartedly believe that God is sovereign and is in control of everything. I believe He has worked through my miscarriages to sanctify me and draw me closer to Him. He has used those times to help me relate to others who are hurting and going through similar circumstances. He has proven over and over again how faithful and trustworthy He is. He has oddly enough caused me to go through both of them with a dear friend following days of their losses. He loves me and knows what is best for me but oh how fresh that sadness can be in an instant. We are continuing to pray for our friends and know that the same God we trust with our lives is just as committed to them.
Tuesday 11/2
As you can see, when I get out of the pattern of blogging, it is easier and easier for me to forget. I really want to keep up though, because I have the rest of this month and next month and I will have blogged almost everyday for an entire year! What?! So, I am gonna attempt to keep up:)
Monday, November 1, 2010
Sometimes I stand in awe over the amount of laundry our family goes through. It is genuinely one of those things that is never just finished. We were out of town this weekend, so even though I was caught up before we left, I now have fallen far behind as I begin to play catchup from that.
In other news, I am beginning to train for another marathon!! Yippee! Actually, it's the same on we did last year in New Orleans. It was such a great race though, that I want to do it again:) I hope all goes well with training. You can pray that our bodies would stay healthy thru the training process as well as the race. I truly enjoy running. It's such a restoring time for me. That kinda sounds like an oxymoron (is that how you spell that?), but it's true! Stress melts away and I am able to just not really think for just a little bit.
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