Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Sad times

A friend of mine miscarried last night. Aside from prayer and meals and just loving on her, there's not much I can do. My heart really goes out to them. In an instant I can remember exactly how I felt through the times that I lost babies. It is heartbreaking. In a matter of weeks I had found myself completely in love with a precious baby that God had given me. Even when those times were completely unexpected! I was convinced that God knew what He was doing, so I let my heart dive in deep and love and plan and dream up a whole lifetime with this precious one. That hope and excitement came to a screeching halt, when at a scheduled check-up there was a deafening silence, as the doctor and ultrasound tech searched for a heartbeat that the Lord had caused to stop beating. Tears overwehlmed us and we clung to the One that we hope in. As we have walked through this a few times, it doesn't get easier. It hurts deeper. Even if it was my 10th pregnancy, I think it would feel just as deep. I wholeheartedly believe that God is sovereign and is in control of everything. I believe He has worked through my miscarriages to sanctify me and draw me closer to Him. He has used those times to help me relate to others who are hurting and going through similar circumstances. He has proven over and over again how faithful and trustworthy He is. He has oddly enough caused me to go through both of them with a dear friend following days of their losses. He loves me and knows what is best for me but oh how fresh that sadness can be in an instant. We are continuing to pray for our friends and know that the same God we trust with our lives is just as committed to them.

1 comment:

Danny and Jennifer White said...

Very Sad Annie and I remember the loss of your sweet babies .I pray that we can continue to look to God even in the midst of such sorrow.Love you friend.