Thursday, April 1, 2010

Crazy eaters!

Tonight we went low key with dinner and had pancakes. Mmmmm...I really do love pancakes:) Well, as most of you know, it's not uncommon for Annalee to eat like a grown man. That is the case most days. She, however, doesn't love pancakes. She likes them and will eat 2 or 3, but we wouldn't put that in her "love" of food categories. Davis and Paige especially, L-O-V-E them! Davis put down 5 pancakes without blinking tonight. Paige...she ate 8! That's right, it's not a typo...she had 8 pancakes for dinner, and asked for more! I had to obviously cut her off, for fear of her tummy exploding without warning. isn't that unbelievable? I don't know of many, if any, little 6 year old girls that can claim that title:)

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