Tuesday, April 20, 2010

"Mom of the Year"

I thought I was about to win another mom of the year award today. (Please take note of the extreme sarcasm used in the previous sentence:) Paige fell at tennis practice yesterday and landed on her arm. I am not an over-reactor. In fact I err on the side of under-reacting in some situations. This was no different. I looked at her arm and had her do a few range of motion movements and she seemed to be ok. So, I wiped her tears and kissed her "ouchie" and sent her back on the court. I was deliberately downplaying the situation as well, so I could assess what was really hurt as opposed to what got alot of attention. For the rest of the evening, she continued to favor her arm, so I started to worry a little bit. I gave her some ibuprofen, put her to bed, and decided that if she woke up in the morning and it still hurt then I would take her to the doctor. Well...it still hurt this morning. I took her in to an urgent care clinic because they have an xray machine in the office. I also kept my neighbor's 2 year old today as well, so that office visit was super exciting with two 2 year olds in tow. (Again...note the sarcasm:) I just kept thinking that I was definitely gonna be that mom who let my child walk around for an entire day with a broken arm just so I could 'assess the situation" thouroughly! That would definitely be worthy of mom of the year, right? Well, thankfully, it's just bruised and possibly a little sprained so it might be stiff for a few days. Here's to looking forward to what tomorrow will bring!

1 comment:

nick, robyn and taylor said...

Aw, Paigey Poo! I'm so glad it isn't broken! Try not to feel too bad. Being cautious and assessing the situation is a good thing! :)