Wednesday, March 31, 2010
I am lacking. The truth is, I always am, but by the grace of our God, He alone is all that I lack! He created me. He loves me. He died because of MY sin, and because of the blood He had to shed on my behalf, I have sweet communion with Him! So, on days like today, when I find myself thinking through how long it's gonna be...I can redirect my focus on the One who made this day. When I think that it's already noon and I have at least 12 more hours left of the day because I'm working, I can remember that the Lord knows exactly what today looks like for me. He has my very best interest at heart and He is the one who will take care of me and continue to provide all that I certainly lack:)
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
P90x update!
P90X is going pretty well! This is day 9 and it's not too shabby:) I do plyometrics on Tuesdays right now and I REALLY like that one in particular! Soreness this week is much better. Yoga was good but I didn't have an hour and a half to finish it all, so I really only did about 45 minutes of that one. There's some crazy yoga moves, by the way! Anyway, I am really diggin' it! i'll update more progress in the future!!!
Monday, March 29, 2010
My little Paigey is starting tennis lessons today! I really hope she likes it. It's just 6 weeks of lessons and they are only 30 minutes, but I am thinking she's gonna enjoy it:) I am probably most excited about how terribly cute she's gonna look in that tennis skirt and shirt, and holding her pink raquet that Aunt Christi got her! Yep, I know, that's just the momma in me:) Hopefully I'll be able to post pics soon!
Sunday, March 28, 2010
The good old days...
We had a prayer and praise time tonight with our community group along with two other groups that joined us. It was very refreshing for the soul and brought me back to the good old days in college. Some of you may remember those days, when we met in the Delta dorms bright and early at 7 am in our pj's with coffee in hand:) We sang and prayed, and it was some of the sweetest most memorable times. It was a place that there was true worship. A place where we obviously were not concerned about external appearance, or putting on a show for anyone else. A time when I really grew in praying with others, as we learned how to pray (ACTS:)), and where I began to feel very comfortable praying out loud even. Our time tonight was very reminiscent of that. It was sweet and genuine and warm. I'm so thankful to look back on that time fondly, and look forward to more times with the Body that we are surrounded by as we walk with the Lord and worship Him together!
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Scott and Matt (Morgan's husband) are running in a half marathon April 11! Scott was supposed to run 12 miles last Saturday, but because of his busy schedule was unable to do it. So, Matt ran his with someone else and this weekend I ran Scott's 12 with him:) He did great! I was a little nervous because I haven't done any long runs since the marathon. I've only run 3 or 4 miles at a time, so I wasn't too sure how it was gonna go. It was a surprisingly really good run though! The weather was really nice and that always helps matters. Plus I got to spend some significant time with my hubby, which I adore!
Friday, March 26, 2010
Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to my sweet sister Christi!!!! She is 37 today! Woop Woop! I love her and the Lord has been good to us as He has developed our friendship deeper and deeper as we get older. I thought this story from several weeks ago would be entertainin to all;)
We were out to dinner together for a friends birthday party, and I brought up the fact that she was onna have a birthday soon. This is how the conversation went:
Me: Wow! you're gonna be 37!
C: No I'm not! I'm gonna be 38.
Me:'re gonna be 37!
C: no I'm not! I am gonna be 38!
Me: Christi. You are 6 and a half years older than me, and I just turned 30. *Sigh* Which makes you 36 right now and you will turn 37!
C: Oh my goodness! I am gonna be 37!
Bahahahahahah!!!!!!! That was classic:)
Anyway, happy birthday Christi! I love you!!!!!
We were out to dinner together for a friends birthday party, and I brought up the fact that she was onna have a birthday soon. This is how the conversation went:
Me: Wow! you're gonna be 37!
C: No I'm not! I'm gonna be 38.
Me:'re gonna be 37!
C: no I'm not! I am gonna be 38!
Me: Christi. You are 6 and a half years older than me, and I just turned 30. *Sigh* Which makes you 36 right now and you will turn 37!
C: Oh my goodness! I am gonna be 37!
Bahahahahahah!!!!!!! That was classic:)
Anyway, happy birthday Christi! I love you!!!!!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Paige moment
Sorry for the lack of pictures here lately:( I've been using the laptop and there are no pics on here. Paige had the qoute of the day this time! Or really her friend I guess!
Yesterday we were sitting in the morning carpool line and Paige saw a little boy that is in her class who wasw walking to school. She waved at him from the van, and when it was our turn to unload, he was waiting on her.
Friend: Hey Paige!
P: Hey J!
F: Wanna go to breakfast with me?
P: Ummm...I already had breakfast at home, but thanks!
I fell out laughing!
Yesterday we were sitting in the morning carpool line and Paige saw a little boy that is in her class who wasw walking to school. She waved at him from the van, and when it was our turn to unload, he was waiting on her.
Friend: Hey Paige!
P: Hey J!
F: Wanna go to breakfast with me?
P: Ummm...I already had breakfast at home, but thanks!
I fell out laughing!
Oh No!!
I totally missed my blog time yesterday! With our internet being crazy and me working a little more, I didn't take a second yesterday to sit down and blog! I guess I'll just make up for it today with two posts. Update on P90X is sore, sore, and more sore! It's no joke! It's really good though. I'm enjoying it even though my abs are so sore that it hurts when I laugh and sneeze:/ Today is Yoga and I've never officially done yoga outside of a few key stretches at the end of a class, so I'm kinda looking forward to it! I'll let you know how that goes:)
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
On the fritz...
Our internet is on the fritz:( Guess we'll be having a good talk with at&t again! We just finished our women's time a little while ago and it's always so refreshing to hear how the Lord is working in each individual life. So, now it's late and my bed is calling my name! Goodnight all!
Monday, March 22, 2010
I have offcially completed day 1 of P90X! Just 89 days to go:) I decided I needed a new goal. I do better when I have clear lines drawn before me. Like, with the marathon, I trained for X amount of time and the race was X date. There was a clear beginning and end. With P90X, there is a set number of workouts that you do that are scheduled out over a 90 day period. It's right up my alley:) Morgan is gonna do it too, so we can accomplish another goal together! Having someone do it with you for accountablity always makes it better! Just be informed however, that no matter how great the results are, no one will EVER see my before pic:) I'm just sayin'.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Just another manic Sunday?
Our Sunday, I tell ya, they are always so packed! With all the resposibilites we have at church, and with community group, there is always something scheduled! It's good things, but sometimes it's just so exhausting. Today is no exception. After this morning and afternoon's events, we will be heading to Mississippi for the evening. The Lord graciously captured the heart of my nephew Hayden! He is being baptized this evening, so we are gonna go for a quick trip so we can be there for this special time! What a spectacular blessing to be able to witness the Lord turn a sinful heart of stone into a penetrable heart of flesh! By nothing Hayden can do, or any of us can do! But only by the grace of our Father, who chose him and knew him before the very foundations of the earth! So, today I praise God and thank Him for choosing us:)
Saturday, March 20, 2010
My community helpers!
We had a community cleanup in Hillsdale today and it went really great! We had about 50 volunteers and several kiddos:) Katie Moore and her 2 kids, and me and my 3 kids were professional pine cone picker uppers! We bagged a grand total of 13 bags of pine cones! It was really a fun time and we got alot accomplished. I'll try to post some pics when we upload them!
Friday, March 19, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Tis the season...
Tis the season...for sickness that is! Annalee is home today with fever:( It seems like it's a sinus related problem with a cough, but who really knows! With the stomach bug making it's rounds in various forms, and colds and coughs around every corner, and even the flu still hanging's no wonder I guess! I would wholeheartedly rather treat a fever or wipe runny noses over dealing with the stomach bug though!!! We are continuing to pray that the Lord would keep that away from us! Annalee is a sweet little patient. This was our conversation this morning:
Me: Annalee, what hurts?
A: Nuffin!
Me: What about your ears, or throat, or face, or neck, or tummy?
A: No! Nuffin!
Me: Ok?!
A: I like stayin' home with you mommy!
Me: I like it when you stay home with me too sweet girl!
Me: Annalee, what hurts?
A: Nuffin!
Me: What about your ears, or throat, or face, or neck, or tummy?
A: No! Nuffin!
Me: Ok?!
A: I like stayin' home with you mommy!
Me: I like it when you stay home with me too sweet girl!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
This is month number two of serious couponing and trip #4 to Publix is coming up on Friday! Basically, if my trip works out well this week, I'll be able to feed us for the remainder of the month and our grocery bill for the second month in a row will be just under $200 again! The Lord is certainly our Provider:) Try not to get that song stuck in your head..."Jehovah Jirah, my Provider. His grace is sufficient for me, for me, for me.."
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Day with my Paige
Today Paige had a field trip to the Environmental Center in Mobile. I got to go with her:) This is actually my very first field trip with her! Scott got to go on the first one, and her Mimi and Papa went on the second. We had a fun day and learned a few things while we were at it! For instance, did you know that bull frogs use their big eyeballs to help them swallow? I mean...who knew? After the educational side, we had a picnic and then played at the park for a little while. It's refreshing to spend time with just one child every now and then! Paige is a little older, so it's especially fun! I love her oh so much and look forward to many more field trips! We had a blast:)
Monday, March 15, 2010
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Annalee Quote
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Today our family ran in a 5k and 1 mile fun run at Annalee's school. It was called the Little Tree Trot! I ran with Davis and Annalee and pushed the double jogger and Scott ran with Paige and pushed the single jogger for the 5k. Then we all ran in the fun run. Even Davis! Well, for a little bit anyway:) Scott had the stroller for him so he rode in that most of the way, but still. My girls did FABULOUS! They ran almost the whole time for that mile! And in good runner fashion, they drank a few sips of water and when done, threw it to the side like they were professionals! It was fun times and a great family day!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Publix again!
First of all, I need to throw out there that I have only spent $30 on groceries for the first two weeks of this month. Today marks my third trip to Publix and it too was great. I spent $48 and saved $91. For some reason I was a little disappointed at first. I think in my head, that if I go over $40 then I've failed. I'm over that now though:) We needed alot of stuff this week which included toiletries and cleaning products and toilet paper and paper towels. Lots of that stuff was on sale this week so that was a bonus! I also got 4 bags of coffee for a little of nothing and that always makes me smile! So... here it is! Trip #3:)
Thursday, March 11, 2010
My precious boy!
Davis: Mama?
Me: Yes?
D: I wulla (love) you!
D: Mama?
M: Yes?
D: I too cold out here! I need a dacket! (jacket)
M: Davis, are you my sweet baby?
D: Noooo! I not a baby!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Good friends...
These are three of my "heart" friends. You know, those friends who really know you. Those friends who no matter where you were in the world, would always keep up with you and vice versa. Those friends that you can just take a deep breath around. The ones that fill you up and refresh you. The ones you can say the crazy things to and that don't hold it against you. The Lord has trully blessed me with them, so today I thought I would give them a shout out and let them know that I love them dearly:)
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Meal Deals
Can I just say, that I LOVE when Winn Dixie has their meal deals! It really just makes my day:)
Monday, March 8, 2010
Is it only Monday?
So, really? Is it only Monday? I guess I've just been really busy today. The day has gone by super fast, but I now I feel like it's supposed to be Tuesday! I hate when I get a day ahead. Makes for a longer feeling week. It was one of those days where I have had no time to myself really. I kept childcare at Sportplex, then kept a friend of mine's little girl, then picked up my girls from school and we ventured off to gymnastics. I had to go by the gym for a quick run, so I could regain a little sanity at the end of it all:) It wasn't a bad day at all, I just hopped from one thing to the next. But now, my friends, I am showered, the kitchen is clean, and the couch awaits me, so that we can watch 24! Yay:)
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Happy Day!
Hope you all are enjoying a beautiful Lord's day! It's another georgeous one outside:) We are home from being filled up with God's word and connecting with the body of Christ! So enjoyable! Happy Sabbath! Maybe there is a nap in store for me today:)
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Beautiful day:)
Today was one of those days that felt absolutely perfect! It was sunny, not a cloud in the sky, and the high was about 65! It was almost a sin to not be outside on a day like this! Scott and Matt did their 8 mile run this morning, and we he got back and showered, we all went to the park. There were TONS of people there because it was so pleasant, but enjoyable nonetheless. The kids expended most of their energy and took a whopper of a nap! I decided to go on a walk to enjoy the day, and somehow I ended up going 6 miles because of the loop that I chose. It was so nice I felt like I could've gone for quite a while. I haven't been on a long walk in a while because of all the running lately so this was a nice change:) Anyhow, at this point my little ones are in the bed, and my hubby and I are gonna relax:) Hope you enjoyed your Saturday as much as we did!!!
Friday, March 5, 2010
Here's the story...
Well, here it is! The play by play of our marathon:)
We got to New Orleans on Saturday around lunchtime. Also, we were starving, so we had some yummy classic New Orleans food! We stopped by the expo and picked up our race packets and finally checked into our quaint little hotel. The room had two queen beds, only one of them was in the loft. There was a cute little spiral staircase that led up to it. Matt and Morgan offered to sleep up there. I felt super guilty our second night there when poor Morgan had to make her way down that same staircase (which at that point was not so cute anymore) to go to the bathroom! The Spivey's had a wedding to attend there that evening, so Scott and I ate at this fabulous italian restaurant called Vincent's and had a little time to just enjoy the sites of New Orleans:) We went to bed early, but didn't sleep much with the anticipation of the next day!
We got up early Sunday morning and had the first of many energy gels! The boys dropped us off near the start and we found the corrale we were assigned to. That's right...a corrale. There were 18,000 runners, so when registering, we had to put in our estimated finish time and they assigned us a corrale number accordingly. It took us 37 minutes to just cross the STARTING line! And off we went!
The first several miles were pretty good. The crowd was really thick, basically the whole way through. Usually the runners thin out significantly after a little while, but given the nunber of runners, I guess that should've clued me in! When the half-marathoners split off it got a little better. My foot started bothering me not long after mile 4, so that slowed us down a little bit:( It just felt like the ball of my right foot was one big stone bruise. Apparently it can be a common injury in runners, and it's not something that makes you have to quit, just enough to slow you down though.
We ran...and we ran...and we ran. Our hubbies were the BEST! They found us at different points along the course and it was so encouraging for us. They cheered us on, passed out ibuprofen, and had energy gel on hand. Whatever we needed, they got for us. They were fabulous! They had a thing that we signed up for, to track where we were along the course, so it was easier for them to find us. That was cool:)
We also made a friend or two along the way! There was an older man about late 60's early 70's who was in a wheelchair. He was a funny guy and so sweet! He encouraged us, and certainly inspired us! I can't imagine only being able to use my arms to propel me for 26.2! We got a pic with him at the finish:)
Our boys met as at mile 24 for the last time before the finish. Scott had my kids on the phone and they were cheering us on as well. It was sweet! Also, Morgan and I prayed through the alphabet during the race. Each mile we each prayed for something that started with that letter. God really used that to encourage us and remind us that He alone gives us each breath, and makes our heart beat, and makes our legs move! It gave us something different to think about each mile which helped us focus.
We turned the corner as we approached the last .2 miles and could see the finish line! The crowd was great and our husbands, of course, were cheering us on the loudest:) The announcer said our names as we got close and we high-fived and crossed the finish together!!! It was so fun! We accomplished a goal we had been working toward for months and we finished! We hugged and were both a little teary:) It was such a rush!!
We joined the after party where concerts were going on. Oh, by the way, there were bands about every mile along the course! That was so great for us! It really is helpful and puts a little pep in your step when you need it! Morgan was a great running partner! We know probably too much about one another at this point:) She was so encouraging to me, especially when I was obviously slowing us down! We finished in 5:32 and I really think we could've finished in just under 5 hours had I felt really good as far as my foot goes. This was her very first marathon and she did fabulous!!! We are already planning to do more:)
So, again, thanks for all the prayers because the Lord truly blessed them! We had BEAUTIFUL weather! It couldn't have been more perfect! We made it without injury and finished strong! Our kids were healthy and my parents survived my 3 munchkins:) My husband took extra special care of me for a few days following and for that I am especially thankful!'s his turn! He and Matt are running a half marathon in Pensacola in April and Morgan and I are hoping we can do as well as they did, and be the best cheerleaders EVER!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
The marathon story is coming soon:)
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Some marathon pics!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Can you say tired?
I am tired! I guess it's the run just taking it's toll. My body is still pretty sore, but feels a little better than yesterday, so that's good news! It's just a normal day, but I feel like I should just go to bed for a day or two and then I could return:) I was reading up on some recovery stuff for after a marathon and extra sleep is part of the process! Anyhow, I'm not in much of a blogging mood today:( The pics are not uploaded quite yet but they are coming soon!
Monday, March 1, 2010
We're Home!
We made it back home today! It was a great trip! The Lord answered our prayers, and I thank you again for lifting us up throughout the weekend. I am super tired and super duper sore! Really, from head to toe, every muscle in my body aches! The price you pay I guess! Anyhow, I'm gonna get the pics uploaded and will hopefully post some tomorrow!!!
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