Saturday, March 6, 2010

Beautiful day:)

Today was one of those days that felt absolutely perfect! It was sunny, not a cloud in the sky, and the high was about 65! It was almost a sin to not be outside on a day like this! Scott and Matt did their 8 mile run this morning, and we he got back and showered, we all went to the park. There were TONS of people there because it was so pleasant, but enjoyable nonetheless. The kids expended most of their energy and took a whopper of a nap! I decided to go on a walk to enjoy the day, and somehow I ended up going 6 miles because of the loop that I chose. It was so nice I felt like I could've gone for quite a while. I haven't been on a long walk in a while because of all the running lately so this was a nice change:) Anyhow, at this point my little ones are in the bed, and my hubby and I are gonna relax:) Hope you enjoyed your Saturday as much as we did!!!

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