Sunday, March 21, 2010

Just another manic Sunday?

Our Sunday, I tell ya, they are always so packed! With all the resposibilites we have at church, and with community group, there is always something scheduled! It's good things, but sometimes it's just so exhausting. Today is no exception. After this morning and afternoon's events, we will be heading to Mississippi for the evening. The Lord graciously captured the heart of my nephew Hayden! He is being baptized this evening, so we are gonna go for a quick trip so we can be there for this special time! What a spectacular blessing to be able to witness the Lord turn a sinful heart of stone into a penetrable heart of flesh! By nothing Hayden can do, or any of us can do! But only by the grace of our Father, who chose him and knew him before the very foundations of the earth! So, today I praise God and thank Him for choosing us:)


Danny and Jennifer White said...

Praise God Annie.That is so exciting!

Emily Little said...

And my screaming child in nursery surely did not help things go any smoother! Hopefully she will get the hang of it soon, considering she has been doing it for a year now ;)