Saturday, January 23, 2010

Birthday parties...

We had a birthday party to go to today. We love birthday parties. Well, my kids love birthday parties:) Today, Paige went on a date with her daddy while I took Annalee and Davis to the shindig. Davis woke up on what I thought was just the wrong side of the crib. He was a little clingy at the party which is not so characteristic of him. Annalee had fun, other than the occasional falling down and skinning a knee! So, needless to say, at the end of these "fun" birthday parties, mommy is pooped! Well, Davis still was not being himself, so I decided to just call and make a quick doctor visit to make sure nothing else was going on. Well, low and behold, his "waking up on the wrong side of the crib" turned out to be a raging ear infection in his right ear! SAD! So, go ahead and nominate me for the worst mom award, because I would've won it today! The good thing is that we have antibiotics and pain relievers on board and he is sleeping soundly, so hopefully he will be feeling much better very soon.

1 comment:

Danny and Jennifer White said...

Aww poor Davis.It happens to all of us at some point right?You will never win that "worst Mom award!"