Sunday, January 10, 2010

"Stick A Fork In Me..."

....I'm Done! We finished the half marathon today! Katie Nelson, Morgan Spivey, and I, ran it together. We finished in 2:32. Not too shabby:) It was definitely freezing! Morgan made the comment that, you know it's cold when we passed the water station at mile 3 and they told us they didn't have any water because the pipes were frozen! What?! All in all, it was a pretty good race. It would have felt 100 times better if it had been about 20 degrees warmer, but its over and done with now! The picture above was as promised from the previous post. Davis' shirt says "Go Mom", Annalee's shirt says "My Mom Rocks", and Paige's says "Run Mom Run". They were too cute. They also made t-shirts for Morgan's kids that said "Go Mommy", and "Get Your 1/2 On Mom!". They were too cute! Thanks Scott! Your the best hubby EVER:) Now, we take 2 weeks off running and start our marathon training!!!


Amy said...

CONGRATS !!! I am inspired. I am starting back up my couch to 5k that I had started before my issues the last few months. Glad it went well

Regan said...

You guys rock! Great job! I'm super impressed!!

Michelle McArdle said...

Congratulaions on the 1/2 marathon in the freezing cold!

I can't beleive how much your kids have grown! What happened to baby Davis? He looks like a little boy!! Very cute!